Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Pacific Coast on the 4th of July

Route 1 is a beautiful road, but it only goes about 30mph at best. Also, you will recall from my last post that I had to get a new battery on July 3. Well, in the Honda Civic, when you unhook the car battery, the radio shuts down until you are able to enter the security code. No code, no radio, no cell phone service. And a highway patrol officer popped up to tell me that he was shutting down the highway for one hour for a parade. I had reservations for Prairie Creek Redwood State Park, but fell two hours short and ended up watching fireworks in Eureka, California. The Honda dealership there was still celebrating on July 5, so no radio until July 6. Next day, I went to Arcata, California - funky little town with a lot of drifters hanging out in the Plaza. I got kicked out of the plaza because dogs are absolutely not allowed.

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