Saturday, July 24, 2010

Boulder, Colorado

The above picture is not mine. I also took this same shot, but my camera is not working. I got this one at Google Images.
I checked in to my conveniently located motel in Boulder and wandered down the street to the little park. I was actually looking for Pearl Street, where they have a little plaza with lots of bars, restaurants, and street musicians, but I got sidetracked. They had a pretty big farmers market in the park, and there were probably a hundred people hanging out, eating, talking, and playing music on the lawn. I ended up hanging out there until dark. Then I made it downtown later and hung out outside this bar where there was a reggae band playing. Lots of people walked by and petted Macy. I ended up having a conversation with this old guy who is an artist, and he made a few suggestions for things I should check out. The next day I took his advice, and I drove up this dirt road that goes through Sunshine Canyon to a cool little 1860s mining town called Gold Hill. It is the first place where gold was discovered in Colorado. Most all of the homes there are very small, rustic, built out of logs or wood, and all of the roads in the little village are dirt roads. The dogs just wander around. It really was like stepping back in time. And getting there was a fun drive. I also went to another little mining town in the Roosevelt National Forest called Nederland. Very interesting, slow-paced little town. Back in Boulder I ate at a great vietnamese place called Chey Thuy, had coffee at a good little spot called the Laughing Goat on Pearl Street (constant parade of interesting folks going by), and enjoyed some street entertainers. There was one guy who had a great comedic / acrobatic / juggling act, but probably Dave the Zip Code guy wss most impressive. He quickly asked fifteen people what there zip code was and then, after going through all of them (he didn't even seem to be paying attention), he went back and told everyone what town each of them was from. He got everyone from Maine to California, and even identified Sudberry, Ontario, and some town in Sweden! He got mine correct too. Also, I would like to thank Tanya at Ome Banjos for taking the time to give me a tour of their workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Did he have the Aspergers?

    By the way, I'm really enjoying this blog; it's like a bunch of e-mails from Spanky all rolled up in one. :)
