Thursday, July 22, 2010

Grand Tetons

When you go around the bend on Wyoming Hwy. 191, all of a sudden these massive, blue, snow-capped mountains pop up. They are the Grand Tetons. Seth says it looks as if someone cut them out of a magazine and plopped them down. We decided to go to the Heart 6 Ranch and take a raft trip down the Snake River. Our raft guide, Eric, looked exactly like actor Owen Wilson. Interesting guy. He went to college at Purdue and then decided that he needed to spend his time fishing and working on a scenic river in Wyoming in the summers and working in a fishing store in Tucson in the winters. There is something to be said for following your passion, especially when it can be found in such a beautiful place. He said Wyoming never gets old, and he nearly jumped out of his seat when he spotted a moose off of the road while we were driving to the river. The guy worked really hard, paddling the boat for almost three hours. It was just Eric, Seth, and me in the boat, so we just relaxed, watched the scenery, and talked all afternoon. I didn't take any pictures on the boat, but there was a beautiful view around every bend in the river. After rafting, we ate at the Heart 6 Ranch and then went looking for moose along the Gros Ventre River. We saw eight moose in about 45 minutes.

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