Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Boise, Idaho

There were a couple of things in Boise which I wanted to see. First, for some reason a lot of shepherds from the Basque Country ended up settling in and around Boise. A lot of their descendents now live in Boise, so I had my pick of Basque restaurants. I ate a lamb sandwich and croquetas - which are kind of like hushpuppies except they are filled with cheese and meat instead of cornbread. Equally bad for you, I'm sure. I also wanted to visit the Birds Of Prey Wildlife Refuge. I saw falcons, owls, condors, but the most captivating bird they had was a bald eagle. I got about four feet away from him and he screeched at me. I had coffee at a pretty cool coffee shop downtown and sat outside and talked with some Boise State students. The night was so pretty, I decided to go camping.I ended up about tenty miles outside of town at a free campground called Macks Creek in the Boise National Forest. I stayed up until about midnight looking at the stars and watching out for this little skunk that kept running through my campsite. I told Macy that if she provoked the skunk and got sprayed, that we would no longer be friends.

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