Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Utah and Nevada

Utah is a beautiful, beautiful state. Things tht surprised me about Salt Lake City - Most of the streets have numbers based on how far they are from the Great Mormon Temple. For example, 5600 West is five thousand six hundred yards west of the Temple, I believe. Makes you wonder about the separation of church ad state in Utah. I had assumed that Salt Lake City was a dry town. Nope. It may have more venues for imbibing than Raleigh does. It might even have more strip clubs than Raleigh does. Also, I assumed that the Great Salt Lake was completely flat and solid. Wrong again - although it is where most American table salt comes from. People boat on the part of the lake closest to Salt Lake City, and drive on the Bonneville Salt Flats, which is on the Nevada Border. The other mentionable from this leg of the trip was encountering an ugly weather system near Battle Mountain, Nevada - which I would consider to be the middle of nowhere. I drove fast, very fast, to get away from that thing.

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