Monday, June 7, 2010

A journey of ten thousand miles starts when you tell yourself, "I'm not going to work next summer," and you save up a couple bucks.

I came up with the idea for this trip when I was not completely satisfied with the pay schedule for my summer job last year (2009). Why should I work during the summer if the only paycheck doesn't come until August 31? No sir, I'm going to do something else next summer. Something fun. I think I'll go see the Redwoods, and Crater Lake, and San Francisco. Of course, I'll have to take my dog - Macy. I can't leave her for that long. I'll have to drive. I've got all the time in the world. I've got two months. "Oh, you can't do it, it's too much driving," one of my friends said. I have two months. Not only will I do it, I'm going to do it well.

At first, with only three destinations, I was thinking I would only drive four hours a day and then explore the rest of the day. That was before I bought an atlas and started seeing what was out there, and calculating distances. The itinerary is now a lot more complicated and a lot more exciting. Here it is:

Friday June 11 Raleigh to Nashville

Saturday June 12 Nashville to somewhere in Arkansas

Sunday June 13 Arkansas to Oklahoma City

Monday June 14 Ok City to Santa Fe

Tuesday June 15 explore Santa Fe

Wednesday June 16 Taos, New Mexico - stay in an Earthship

Thursday June 17 Taos Earthship

Friday June 18 long drive to Flagstaff, Arizona

Saturday June 19 Sedona

Sunday June 20 Sedona, Arizona

Monday June 21 South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Tuesday June 22 North Rim of the Grand Canyon

Wednesday June 23 Zion National Park

Thursday June 24 Salt Lake City, Utah

Friday June 25 Reno or Lake Tahoe

Saturday June 26 enjoy Lake Tahoe

Sunday June 27 Monterey Aquarium and Santa Cruz

Monday June 28 Santa Cruz

Tues June 29 Santa Cruz

Wednesday June 30 San Francisco. I want to go to the California Academy of Sciences

Thursday July 1 San Francisco. and see the murals in the Mission District

Friday July 2 San Francisco and Sausalito

Saturday July 3 northern California coast

Sunday July 4 Redwoods

Monday July 5 Redwoods

Tuesday July 6 Redwoods

Wednesday July 7 southern Oregon coast

Thursday July 8 Crater Lake National Park Lodge

Friday July 9 Oregon Country Fair

Saturday July 10 Oregon Country Fair

Sunday July 11 Oregon Country Fair / Eugene, Oregon

Monday July 12 drive east across Oregon

Tuesday July 13 Boise, Idaho / Birds of Prey National Wildlife Refuge

Wednesday July 14 arrive Jackson, Wyoming

Thursday July 15 drive north to Yellowstone National Park

Friday July 16 Yellowstone

Saturday July 17 Yellowstone

Sunday July 18 Grand Teton National Park Grand Teton National Park

Monday July 19 Grand Teton NP

Tuesday July 20 drive Wyoming

Wednesday July 21 Boulder, Colorado

Thursday July 22 Boulder

Friday July 23 Boulder

Saturday July 24 String Cheese Incident concert at Red Rocks Ampitheatre

Sunday July 25 Denver

Monday July 26 Albuquerque

August 2 arrive home Raleigh, North Carolina

Now it doesn't look so much like I've got all the time in the world. I even feel kind of rushed. So much to see and only 51 days to do it in. So I started by making a few reservations here and there. Putting a little money down, so that I had a committment to this idea. My friends Seth and Leigh agreed to fly out and meet me in different locations along the way - so I had to figure out when I would be there and if I could actually make it from point A to point B in a given amount of time. I did a load of research. It became my hobby. Now I have to drive. I can't believe the time is finally here.


  1. I am soooo excited you are doing this! Please call me if you see something amazing, need a friend to talk to or you are going to fall asleep driving! I will miss you but can't wait to hear the stories :)

  2. I am really looking forward to seeing you in California Mike! your trip looks AMAZING!

  3. I'm so happy you had this experience.

    It brought back a lot of memories from when my mom and I did part of those legs several years ago.

    I'll be sending your blog to DeEtte.
