Taos, New Mexico is absolutely beautiful. The sign says population 3369 and elevation 6983 feet. Every direction you turn in you see the beautiful Sangre de Cristo mountains and you smell the sagebrush growing alongside the desert roads. The skyline is incredible. I stayed in a small desert community of earthships. An earthship is a house built out of tires, cans, bottles, adobe, etc. that produces its own electricity and water. There are no power lines in this community. Most all of the 65 homes here have solar panels and some have windmills. All of them have cisterns to catch and filter rainfall and snowmelt. Nothing here was built by a contractor, and the city did not put roads in for them. The people here did it all themselves.
While checking in to the earthship community, I met Kelsey, Skye, and Alison. Kelsey lives in Carborro, NC and I end up meeting him in the desert in New Mexico. They are on their way to California. I got to hang out with them for a little bit and they were all really nice people. Skye had her dog Garfunkle, who Macy really liked as well.
The Rio Grande Gorge is right down the street from my house. I went out there this morning and bumped into a seventy year old man named Roy from Dallas, Texas. He was travelling by himself too, in a camper that he built out of sheet metal. He was on his way to pickup a friend in California, and then they were headed to the east coast. He plans to be on the road for four months. He was pretty spry for seventy years old.
I also went to the Taos Pueblo, built by the Indians here around 1600. Everything was built out of mud, and that is where everyone else in the southwest got their style of architecture from.
Hey Mike! The pictures look amazing! Wish I was there. Its pretty cool that you are traveling across country. We are going to lunch tomorrow with Dad. All I can say is Go USA!